• Altar Server:
Boys & girls in grades 4-12 assist at the Altar at Mass.
• Church Cleaning:
Weekly cleaning of the Altar, Church, Cry Room or Vestibule.
• Extraordinary Minister of Holy Communion:
Assist in distributing the Eucharist at Mass.
• Lector:
Proclaim the Old and New Testaments at Mass.
• Live-Streaming:
Sign up for 1 or 2 Masses a month to help provide our homebound with our live-stream Mass.
• Music Ministry:
See below.
• Rosary Prayer Leader:
Lead the rosary before Mass on the weekends.
• Sacristan:
Ensure that the Altar is prepared for Mass.
• St. Peter Altar Society:
Social group that provides things used about the Altar and in the Sanctuary.
• Usher:
Help create a welcoming atmosphere by assisting people before, during & after Mass.
• Wedding Coordinator:
Ensure, as much as possible, that the wedding Mass goes as planned as you guide the bridal party.
• Wedding Sacristan:
Assist the priest and help the wedding Mass run smoothly.
Funeral Home Service Leader:
This ministry entails a visit to the funeral home, praying the rosary or reading scripture.
Living Rosary Prayer Partner:
From the comfort of your home, pray one decade of the rosary daily, offering your prayers for the needs of our parish.
Prayer Chain Warrior:
Receive prayer requests for special needs frequently asked by our fellow parishioners.
Parish Choir:
Add your voice to our 10:00 Mass choir.
If you are interested in becoming a member of a bell choir, or especially if you play trumpet, trombone, french horn, euphonium/baritone, tuba, or timpani, we could really use you. Of course, all other instruments are welcome, but particularly, brass instruments are going to be heard and work best in our space.
Individual singers who lead our parish in song.
Children's Choir:
Our Children's Choir sings at 4:00 Mass 2 Saturdays a month.
Resurrection Choir:
This choir provides solace and song at our funeral Masses.
If you are interested in joining our Music Ministry, please contact Mike Yaros at